Digimon Dreamers Chapter 1 English Scanlation

Please do not upload these scanlations anywhere else. If I get a request from an official source it means I can remove them. You can share the link to Xros Raws!

Scanlation Download: HERE.

Scan Notes and FAQ

Please do not upload these scanlations anywhere else. If I get a request from an official source it means I can remove them. You can share the link to Xros Raws!

Q) Can I use your scanlations to scanlate into Spanish/German, French, etc
A) You must use the raws to scanlate into another language not the scanlation. In which you must credit Xros Raws for the Raw scans.

Digimon Dreamers Chapter 2 Raw Scans

Please do not upload these raws anywhere else. If I get a request from an official source it means I can remove them. You can share the link to Xros Raws!

Raw Download: HERE.

Scan Notes and FAQ

Please do not upload these raws anywhere else. If I get a request from an official source it means I can remove them. You can share the link to Xros Raws!

Q) Can I use your raws to scanlate into Spanish/German, French, etc
A) Yes, as long as you credit Xros Raws. However you are not to scanlate into English as my team will be doing that

Q) Are you going to scanlate?
A) Yes I have an editor!!!!

Please do not upload these raws anywhere else. If I get a request from an official source it means I can remove them. You can share the link to Xros Raws!

Digimon Dreamers Chapter 1 Raw Scans

Please do not upload these raws anywhere else. If I get a request from an official source it means I can remove them. You can share the link to Xros Raws!

Raw Download: HERE.

Scan Notes and FAQ

Please do not upload these raws anywhere else. If I get a request from an official source it means I can remove them. You can share the link to Xros Raws!

Q) Can I use your raws to scanlate into Spanish/German, French, etc
A) Yes, as long as you credit Xros Raws. However you are not to scanlate into English as my team will be doing that.

Q) Are you going to translate?
A) A translation is being worked as I type this!

Q) Are you going to scanlate?
A) Yes I have an editor!!!!

Please do not upload these raws anywhere else. If I get a request from an official source it means I can remove them. You can share the link to Xros Raws!

Digimon Manga Archive (Updated 21st May 22)

A quick post with a link to everything I have access to / have been involved with scanning, scanlating etc. The only 2 rules of the blog are:

1) Do not re-upload the chapters else where (you can share the blog link) as this means I can take the stuff down is I get an official request.

2) Do not use the scanlations for other langauge scans (i.e if you are going English to Spanish, you must not use the scanlations for this, you would have to edit the raws)

For anything where it’s just the pure raws, I don’t have scanlations for it.

Support me on Kofi? No obligation! (https://ko-fi.com/alisonmanic)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is vtamer_logo.pngDigimon V-Tamer Scanlations | Digimon V-Tamer Raws
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is digimonnext_logo.pngDigimon Next Raws | Digimon Next Scanlations
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is digimonxroswars_logo.pngDigimon Xros Wars Raws | Digimon Xros Wars Scanlations
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is dreamers.jpgDigimon Dreamers Raws | Digimon Dreamers Scanlations
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is digimonchronicle_logo.pngDigimon Chronicle Scanlation | DS Raws – Chapter 1
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is dcyber_logo.pngDigimon D-Cyber Scanlations | Volume 1 | Volume 2
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is adventure.jpgDigimon Adventure English | Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4 | Volume 5 End
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is adventure-02.jpgDigimon Adventure 02 English | Volume 1 | Volume 2 End
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is tamers.jpgDigimon Tamers English | Volume 1 | Volume 2 |
Volume 3 | Volume 4 End
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is frontier.jpgDigimon Frontier English | Volume 1 | Volume 2 |
Volume 3 End
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 800px-digimonstorycybersleuth_logo.pngDigimon Cyber Sleuth One Shot Raw
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is worldredigitize_logo.pngDigimon ReDigitize Raws Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is worldredigitizeencode_logo.pngDigimon ReDigitize Encode Raws
Battle!! Digital Monsters
–Digimon Thunderbolt Tournament
Not my Raws
Battle!! Digital Monsters
–Perfect Level Decisive Battle
Not my Raws

(I give up trying to align this dang thing, no matter what I do in preview, it shows perfect but when posted…nope)